Vulnerability that allowed me to delete more than 2 lakh and half records from there database
Today I will write about an Insecure Direct Object Reference Vulnerability I found in XYZ Suggestions Board
This vulnerability escalated my privilege to empty the tables of topics, comments in the database, I was able to delete any topic or comment
Comments: 1,155,000
Posts: More than 365,000 Posts
But when they announced that they will release the Bug bounty program, i decided to find some vulnerabilities into XYZ websites again
I started testing,
It’s something like XYZ answers, Users send questions and receive the answers
Firstly i added comment to post of someone
I found that i can delete my comment, so i opened Live HTTP Headers to check what happens when i delete my comment,
POST Request
There were 5 parameters
prop= category
fid= topic id
crumb = something like session
cid = Comment id
cmd= the method
I opened another browser, signed in with another account and posted other comment,
Then, i got the id and changed it in the post request and replayed it again via Live HTTP Headers, the comment of the other account deleted successfully
First Vulnerability
Then moved to suggestions topics, I added a new topic and found also that i have the ability to delete my post so, when i deleted it, i captured the request But, it was like this
POST cmd=delete_item&crumb=SbWqLz.LDP0
mmmmmm, the POST Request is not like the previous one, when i deleted comments of the others i changed the comment id to the one i want to delete But here there is no id to change
I guess that the developer forgot to add it
,Simply i added topic parameter to the request to be like this
POST cmd=delete_item&crumb=SbWqLz.LDP0&fid=xxxxxxxx
I replayed the request again, and the topic deleted successfully
I was able also to write comments by using XYZ users accounts
It was easy to write script to delete all the topics from id number 1 to the last one,
I thought what about if a black hat hacker got this one, He would delete 1,500,000 records entered by XYZ users
The Vulnerability fixed and received the Bounty from 2 days, It was easy to find